City and County Employees Invited to “Stop the Bleed” Safety Training

City and county employees are being invited to attend a safety training class next week.
Princeton Fire Chief Brent Francis says a safety training for city and county employees will be held on Tuesday, March 12th beginning at 8AM. 

The Stop the Bleed training is a national awareness campaign and call-to-action and is intended to cultivate grassroots efforts that encourage bystanders to become trained, equipped, and empowered to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help arrives.
Francis notes that it’s important that city and county employees learn these techniques as they could be the only source of help in an accident or bleeding emergency. No matter how rapid emergency technicians can get on scene, those already at the scene can be in a position to provide first aid.
Francis says that in the event of a workplace accident that involves a major bleed, victims only have seconds before it can become fatal and adds that co-workers may be the only ones there to save a life.
The class will cover applying tourniquets, stuffing a wound with gauze, bandages, or clothing, and applying pressure with hands to stop bleeding until professional help can arrive.
Francis notes that this class is geared toward city and county law enforcement, public works employees, utilities employees, officials, and first responders.

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