Cooling Our Communities Makes Final Push

Pennyrile Allied Community Services is needing the help of community members to make sure everyone stays cool this summer in the area.

PACs, the Edge Media Group, and a number of community partners are working together to help provide fans for those in the nine-county Pennyrile who do not have air conditioning. Krista Groves with PACS says there is certainly a need.

click to download audioFans can be dropped off at the WKDZ-WHVO studios in Cadiz, WPKY in Princeton, Herb Hays Furniture, Pennyroyal Hospice, or at any of the PACS offices in the area.

click to download audioGroves says other donations are certainly welcome, including window air conditioners.

click to download audioShe adds monetary donations can also be dropped off at any of the participating businesses or at one of the PACS offices. Cooling our communities continues through Monday, June 28.


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