Princeton City Council welcomed two special guests at Monday night’s meeting. Executive Director J.D. Chaney of the Kentucky League of Cities (KLC) attended the meeting to present 8th District State Representative Walker Thomas with the 2023 “Friend of Kentucky Cities” award.
Chaney highlighted that the KLC is fortunate to have several advocates for city governments, including Rep. Thomas, who has consistently shown dedication and support for local government issues.
click to download audioHaving represented Caldwell County for a little over a year, Rep. Thomas expressed his deep admiration for both the city and the county. He shared his excitement about the recent passing of HB 9, a bill aimed at providing economic relief to local communities across the Commonwealth.
click to download audioIn new business, the city council unanimously granted approval for the second reading of an ordinance pertaining to the Atmos Franchise. This ordinance closely resembles the one previously passed by the council earlier this year. However, Atmos recently contacted City Attorney Todd Wetzel, stating that the Public Service Commission (PSC) regulations require the franchise to be publicly bid. The purpose of this ordinance is to facilitate that bidding process.
In other action, the city council heard the first reading of a budget amendment to the general fund and unanimously approved an appointment recommendation by Mayor Thomas to the Princeton Housing Authority Board.
click to download audioThe city council also heard committee and department reports, including an update about the Hometown Hero’s Project.