Kim White Honored for 60 Years of Service with Kentucky Farm Bureau

Kim White was honored Thursday with a meal and special recognition of his 60 years of service with the Kentucky Farm Bureau.

In addition to his 60 years of service, he holds another unique position within the company as the only agent in the state to serve as office manager in two counties being Caldwell and Lyon. White explained how he began serving in both county offices back in 1969.

click to download audioWhite shared how he became involved in the insurance business.

click to download audioWhite noted the biggest changes he has seen in the past 60 years in the insurance business.

click to download audio

He expressed how much this day of recognition meant to him and also how much he enjoyed his competitors over the years.

click to download audioWhen he started his career he didn’t think he would still be in it 60 years later.

click to download audioWhite has a message for his customers, coworkers and the public.

click to download audioWhite began his career on March 15, 1964, in Lyon County. The recognition was given at the Caldwell County Farm Bureau office by the local Board of Directors and coworkers with many of them sharing thoughts and stories about White.

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