Caldwell County Band of Pride Names New Drum Major

Caldwell County High School Band Director Mason Henry has announced the new Drum Major for the Band of Pride 2024-25 Marching Band.

Senior band member Addison Heppner has been named for the position and Henry is excited to see him leading the band in the upcoming year.

click to download audioHeppner shared he set his goal to become the Drum Major during his freshman year of school.

click to download audioHe told of some of the audition process for the role.

click to download audioHeppner has been a part of the band since 6th grade.

click to download audioHeppner is excited about his new role and also noted he is a little nervous.

click to download audioHeppner invites everyone to come and enjoy the band performance next year.

click to download audioHenry added he and the band program is already getting prepared for the upcoming year for the Caldwell County Band of Pride.

click to download audioMembers of the marching band will be involved in band camp and other training during the summer months.

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