Interview Video

Tess & Ty in the Morning 10/23/2019

Extension Office–Ashley White United Way of Pennyrile–Annie Catron Halloween Safe Night–Laura Klybert and Lori Noel–Rotary Club–Princeton Halloween Fest

Tess and Ty in the Morning 10/21/2019

Caldwell Co Sheriff 2019 Tax Collection–Melissa Martin Caldwell Boy Scouts Open House–Daniel Ball Caldwell Co Retired Teachers Assoc–Melissa Earnest and Ginny Oldham

Tess and Ty in the Morning 10/16/2019

Extension Program Jenny Phelps Clark–Winterizing the High Tunnel Garden and Raised Beds Comm Med Clinic –Dawnia Green–Flu Clinic and Breast Cancer Awareness Michelle Vinson–Fredonia Valley Riding Club–2019 Buckle Series winners

Tess & Ty in the Morning 10/15/2019

Joe Duncan–Caldwell Medical Center–Health Fest Donnie Adams–Owner-Adams Construction–Home Winterization Tips Dana Hobby– CC Health dept– flu clinic Ken Freeman
