Princeton 2020 Property Tax Rates Proposed

Princeton residents could see a decrease in their taxes following the proposal of property tax rates for 2020. At a Princeton City Council meeting Tuesday night Mayor Kota Young expressed his recommendation for the 2020 tax rates

Kentucky Launches Eviction Relief Fund

Governor Andy Beshear announced the launch of the Healthy at Home Eviction Relief Fund website Tuesday and says applications are now being accepted for the program.

UPDATE: Caldwell County Reporting Four New COVID-19 Cases

Caldwell County is reporting four new coronavirus cases. Judge-Executive Larry Curling confirmed Tuesday afternoon the county’s 87th through 90th cases since the pandemic began in mid-March. He added the cases involve a 50-year-old female, 49-year-old male, a

Constitution Week September 17th through 23rd

The local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) are encouraging the public to celebrate the 233rd anniversary of the signing of the United States Constitution next week. Marty Presler, member of the John Caldwell